Handy tooltip pop-ups on the Ui and menu.Every game will be different and every player’s experience will be completely different.Game over if you have no heir to the throne when you die.Change the map view for territories and boundaries.Save when you like and a handy save to cloud option.Wars end in one of three ways-Victory, white peace, or defeat.The search for wife menu has handy filters and search options so you can get what you want/need. Marriage-needed to create a Dynasty and heir to your throne.Currency-gold is for buying and bribing but Prestige and Piety are different kinds of currency but just as powerful as gold.Opinion meter-everyone has one and it goes on a low to the high basis, this rating determines how people will react and interact with you and your decisions.Traits-your characters and people you interact with will have traits that can affect their skills.Characters each have a set of five skills with differenting stats and the five skills are-Diplomacy/Martial/Stewardship/Intrigue and learning.Tutorial (optional) you play through a game as petty King Murchad of Ireland and seek to become king of Ireland!.

Autosave intervals-every month/six months/year/five years/no autosave.Graphics-fullscreen, resolution, v-sync, graphics card selection, GUI scaling, quality preset, anti-aliasing (MSAA), texture/refraction/shadow/mesh LOD quality, texture filtering, mesh LOD fade, animated characters, characters SSAO, bloom, coastal borders, and advanced shader effects.Crusader Kings III is the heir to a long legacy of historical grand strategy experiences and arrives with a host of new ways to ensure the success of your royal house. Paradox Development Studio brings you the sequel to one of the most popular strategy games ever made.